Side Projects

React - Next.js

React Chat

Chat App built with Node.js, Express.js, Socket.IO, TypeScript and React.

Next.js Project Manager

Next.js app to manage projects

React Questionarie App

App built with React and TypeScript to take customizable questionnaires and collecting responses.

Python - Django

Python Screenshot Generator

Django app to generate screenshots from a specified URL.


Python command line game to practice your Math skills.

Django TV

Django app to manage my Movies / TV Shows collection.


Playmind Android

Android educational game to practice Math and train your mind doing mental calculations.

Rock Music - Android

Android app to enjoy high quality rock music.

Rock al palo - Android

Android app to enjoy high quality rock music in Spanish.

Electro Music - Android

Android app to enjoy high quality electro music.

Golang - C++

Snowplow Tracking CLI

Command-line app (written in Golang) for tracking Snowplow events.

Programación en C++

C++ Tutorial Series (Spanish): Punteros, matrices, listas, recursividad, búsquedas y ordenamiento.


Kmail Theme System - KDE

As part of Google Summer of Code 2010, I ported Kmail and Akregator to use the Grantlee library for theme support system.

KPeg - KDE Game

My latest KDE side project is a board game called KPeg: An implementation of the Peg Solitaire Game.

QML - SMPlayer

A Qt/QML Streaming Music Player for desktop and mobile.